Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Summer Fun!
We can finally stop talking about Riley in terms of months! He has finally graduated to the terrible TWOS! Where have these past two years gone? Obviously they haven't been spent updating this blog! It has been so fun getting to know our little man and all his little quirks. He has the calm, caring temperment of his dad with a splash of my sass! Riley is now talking up a storm and we really have to watch what we say, as he is all too anxious to repeat it back!
The summer has been spent camping, BBQs with friends, a visit to MN and of course birthday celebrations!
The summer has been spent camping, BBQs with friends, a visit to MN and of course birthday celebrations!
Monday, April 27, 2009
April Fun
April has been another busy month in the Flynn household. We had a great visit from my cousin Allen and his wife Charla. We were able to show them around Portland a bit and drove into the Gorge for the afternoon.
Easter Morning we opened the baskets sent from Grandma & Grandpa Flynn and Kennefick. Riley hopped around the house with his bunny ears.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Catch Up.....
I guess its been awhile since our last update. Riley is doing great, and becoming such a busy little boy. We recently took a trip to Florida to visit Grandma & Grandpa Kennefick. Jeff, Michelle and the twins were there as well so the condo was a bit hectic, as you can imagine. Riley had a ball on the beach building sandcastles (really sand piles) and running all around. He was very taken with his cousins calling them babies. In fact, every morning we awoke to him jumping in his crib saying, "mama, mama, babies, babies, beach, beach".
He is starting to talk a fair amount. A few of his favorites consist of: No, Mine, Mama, Dadda, blanket, babies, beach, bubbles, ball (really anything that starts with a B), vaccuum, down, milk, cheese and please.
He LOVES playing outside and cries everytime he has to come back inside. Thank goodness that Spring is finally here, and we'll be able to do more outside activities. Hopefully he'll like camping this year as much as last!
Gabby (our nanny) and I take him to music class once a week, he really gets into playing the instruments and dancing around.
Throwing, catching and kicking balls around the house is still his favorite past time. Brendan is trying to teaching him the proper shooting skills (one can never learn early enough!)
Its amazing to watch him discovering new things and figuring out how this world works, everyday is a suprise!
Playing on the Beach with Claire and Grandpa
Lounging on the pontoon
He is starting to talk a fair amount. A few of his favorites consist of: No, Mine, Mama, Dadda, blanket, babies, beach, bubbles, ball (really anything that starts with a B), vaccuum, down, milk, cheese and please.
He LOVES playing outside and cries everytime he has to come back inside. Thank goodness that Spring is finally here, and we'll be able to do more outside activities. Hopefully he'll like camping this year as much as last!
Gabby (our nanny) and I take him to music class once a week, he really gets into playing the instruments and dancing around.
Throwing, catching and kicking balls around the house is still his favorite past time. Brendan is trying to teaching him the proper shooting skills (one can never learn early enough!)
Its amazing to watch him discovering new things and figuring out how this world works, everyday is a suprise!
Playing on the Beach with Claire and Grandpa
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thanksgiving and Other Stuff....
We are staying busy in the Flynn household! Thanksgiving went by with a blur, with many friends filling our home for the weekend. Its hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner.
We are rushing around doing our last minute shopping, getting ready to depart to MN on the 19th! This should be an interesting flight, as Riley is not a fan of sitting still.
We took Riley to see Santa at the mall this evening, he bawled and bawled but we got a pretty fun picture out of the deal!
He knows this is the closet with the hats......
He is obsessed with us wearing hats! Preferably multiple hats and the Ski Goggles.
We are rushing around doing our last minute shopping, getting ready to depart to MN on the 19th! This should be an interesting flight, as Riley is not a fan of sitting still.
We took Riley to see Santa at the mall this evening, he bawled and bawled but we got a pretty fun picture out of the deal!
He knows this is the closet with the hats......
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Riley was a dragon for Halloween this year. He didn't know what to think about all the little kiddies showing up at the door! Once we took Riley outside, we were able to keep his dragon hood up without him pulling it down. He did like running up and down the sidewalk after dark. Brendan craved up the pumpkin, and Riley thought it would be a really good place to hide his trucks!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Riley Turns ONE!!!
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I cannot believe that a whole year has already passed! It went much faster then I could have ever imagined. Riley is now officially a toddler. We had a great time back in MN for Riley's birthday celebration and Steve & Marnie's wedding in Duluth. I must admit that a night away hanging out with other adults was also a treat! We were also fortunate to spend a full 2 weeks with the Sweany's who have been living the past year in Australia. They left on their adventure the day after Riley was born so we had a lot of catching up to do!
Riley is doing Awesome! He is now 22 pounds and 31 inches tall. He is walking everywhere and loves to play with his basketball and football. Every once in awhile he can even throw it forward. Brendan is trying to teach him to catch, but its more likely to just bounces off his belly! He has adjusted well to his new nanny, and as far as we can tell still loves spending his days with Wilson. They are sure to be best of friends.
As you can see Riley had a blast at his birthday party. Grandma K made him a tasty chocolate bear cake that he enjoyed destroying and stuffing in his face! The man was on a sugar high for a couple hours!
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