We've been very busy with family and friends in town. Casey and Mike came out to meet their new grandson and my very dear friend Jinan and her husband Kevin came out to celebrate Jinans 30th birthday and to meet the boys as well.
Riley had his first visit to the Oregon coast, loved it so much he slept right through it! The weather at the beach was remarkable, a treat for this time of year. We all had a great time walking the beach, eating out, and shopping the strip at Cannon Beach. It was great having the Flynns here and sad to see them go. I know it was hard for them to leave without taking Riley with them.
Shana and I had our first night out on the town since the boys birth. I have to say going out just isn't the same as it used to be. The idea of taking care of a newborn hungover is just not at all appealing.