Riley is now 6 1/2 months, which is hard to imagine. We took him to his 6 month appointment, he weighed in at 16.5 pounds (45%) 28 1/4 inches tall (95%) he's head is in the 75% percentile, its his good Irish genes. He is continuing to eat more "solid" food. Its hard to figure out which one is his favorite, but we get less grunts with Apples over any other food. Peas we don't think he's a big fan of, and really we can't blame him. He loves to pull himself up, and gets so excited when he's up on his feet. It seems the days of him cuddling in our arms are over, as he wants to be up checking things out and has a very hard time sitting still. No teeth, but we suspect that the bottom ones will be arriving any day.
We spent a fabulous weekend at the Bonneville Hot Springs Resort. Riley went to his first wine tasting. Like his parents he wasn't a big fan of the whites, but calmed down by the time the reds came around! We took him swimming in the mineral pool. We were worried he was going to poop in the pool, but luckily we avoided that disaster. He seemed to have a great time, kicking his legs and splashing a bit.
We are looking forward to Uncle Coley's visit next week, and then our trip back to MN to FINALLY meet the twins. Here are some picture from Brendans day of dress up Riley. Thanks to Uncle Coley for the pimpin' clothes!