He is starting to talk a fair amount. A few of his favorites consist of: No, Mine, Mama, Dadda, blanket, babies, beach, bubbles, ball (really anything that starts with a B), vaccuum, down, milk, cheese and please.
He LOVES playing outside and cries everytime he has to come back inside. Thank goodness that Spring is finally here, and we'll be able to do more outside activities. Hopefully he'll like camping this year as much as last!
Gabby (our nanny) and I take him to music class once a week, he really gets into playing the instruments and dancing around.
Throwing, catching and kicking balls around the house is still his favorite past time. Brendan is trying to teaching him the proper shooting skills (one can never learn early enough!)
Its amazing to watch him discovering new things and figuring out how this world works, everyday is a suprise!
Playing on the Beach with Claire and Grandpa