Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Hand Discovery

Riley found his hand this week, and figured out that it fits in his mouth. Now if he can only get it to stay there! He gets more alert everyday and is smiling a ton, especially after feeding time!
He went to his first pumpkin party this week and won for best pumpkin with use of stencil. Its been a bit rainy here so we haven't gone out as much as we would like to, hopefully we'll get a couple more nice days before the real rainy season sets in.
This week we are going to go have lunch with Brendan and show the little guy off to his coworkers.

Here is some video of Riley from this morning, since I failed at taking any new pictures of him this week.


Sweany said...

He's a squirmy little bugger in this video, isn't he? Maybe he's still excited about winning that pumpkin drawing contest :)

Christy said...

Superb work including the video, Megan. He looks very content and so sweet. I just want to grab & hold him!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.