We went home this year for Thanksgiving and to celebrate my Grandpas 95th birthday. It was great seeing family and friends for a couple days. Its so fun to watch the Grandparents with Riley, they are so in love with little man! He did awesome on both flights he just slept or cooed at the other passengers. Just in the last two weeks he seems to have made a transition from helpless newborn to engaging infant! He smiles and laughs a ton and now loves to suck on his thumb. He is constantly trying to sit up when he's in his chair. Its so much easier now that we don't have to worry about his neck and head control he has no problems holding it up on his own. We think he will be rolling over soon, he likes to practise by throwing his legs up and over to the side, then he gets stuck. Its pretty fun to watch.
Here are some pictures from the past month.....Enjoy!