Riley must love staying in hotels, because he gave us our first night of 6 hours straight of sleep! I couldn't think of a better anniversary present!
He is doing excellent, growing everyday. He is holding his head up by himself for longer periods of time, he's cooing and smiling all morning long. We've gotten a lot of laughs out of him, I think he's going to be a talker when he gets older.
7pm has become the witching hour in the Flynn household. After all the daytime excitement he unwinds by crying for about an hour straight before he gets so exhausted he conks out. We've turned the book "Happiest Baby on the Block" by Dr. Karp, who is an expert in calming colicky babies. So far I think that you just have to wait it out. Sure his techniques help stop the crying for maybe 5-10 minutes out of the hour, but nothing really puts an end to it all together. We just hold him and bounce around the room waiting for him to cry himself to sleep. I figure he's just a true Flynn and doesn't want the party to end, so he fights having to go to sleep! I read that colic peaks at 6 weeks (he's just today 7 weeks) and has usually ended by 12 weeks. So at least we are starting on the downside of the bell curve, that's encouraging!
That's about all that's going on in the Flynn house. Here are some pictures of the Hood River outing.
Thanks for the update. I was just debating with myself regarding how long I had to wait this time before complaining that I needed an update and some new pictures :)
You guys all look great. Love and missing you. xoxoxo
I love how he's looking at you in that middle picture, Megan! He is so cute and getting cuter every day.
Gorgeous1 He is turning into a real little boy. Happy anniversary! Susie
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