born August 22nd @ 6:57am
7lbs 12oz

Riley's Story
My due date of August 18th came and went without any action from Riley. We went to the Dr on the 20th and got on the calendar to be induced on Wednesday the 22nd at 6am. Finally, an end date in sight! The night of the 21st we weren't counting on getting much sleep due to nerves and excitement of whats to come early in the morning!
Brendan and I went to bed about 11pm and laid there talking about how strange it was that we wouldn't be having the crazy mad dash to the hospital experience that we had pictured. No sooner had the words came out of my mouth, I felt a strange POP, and then the most intense cramp I've ever felt in my life, followed shortly by a gush. Oh my goodness, my water just broke. We quickly got up and changed, grabbed the hospital bag and down the stairs we went. At this point the contractions were severe and coming every 4 minutes. Bren called Labor and Delivery at the hospital to tell them we were on our way! The past nine months I had pictured leaving the house to be a panic of emotions and goof ups. I guess more how its portrayed on TV. Husband running out of the house forgetting the wife, but as it turned out we just very calmly walked to the car and made it to the hospital in record time (nice driving honey!)
Once we arrived they got us settled into our room. Of course the first thing I wanted to know was where are the drugs and how soon can I get them! Luckily the drug lady was on our floor and I only had to wait an hour before they took affect. This was of course the longest hour of my life. I commend anyone who can go through this "naturally", I don't believe there is anything natural about that kind of pain.
The next three hours were pretty uneventful. I was dilated to 4cm, so we just tried to get some sleep while we waited to get to the magic pushing number. The awful screaming coming from other women down the hall, confirmed my decision for the epidural. I know Brendan was relieved as well!
At 3am my parents arrived. They had been staying with us, and couldn't handle the suspense waiting at our house, so they camped out in the waiting room for little Riley's arrival.
Around 5:30am the nurse came in and said we were ready to go! We spent about a half hour pushing before she called the Dr. to come in. The rest was pretty smooth sailing, the Dr was a bit concerned about Riley's heart rate, but luckily the delivery went very well. The next thing I remember is the Dr telling me to open my eyes. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, this little baby being set up on my belly, goobery and all. I recall the Dr asking me what it was, and I said "I don't know!!"
It was amazing how alert he was right away. After the initial crying, he became very peaceful taking in all his surroundings. It was truly a precious moment.
Congratulations to you both. You have a beautiful baby. Am anixous to see him, but guess we will have to do it in pictures for awhile. Enjoy him and remember you can never hold him to much. I know grandpa and grandma are excited. God bless you both and your new little one.
Love Kevin and Diane
Hhhehhhhee...."drug lady"..is that the technical term for her, or is that just what she was to you at the time? Love it.
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