My how time flies! Riley is now 8 1/2 months, I can't believe two months have past since our last post. Riley is doing wonderfully and getting bigger every day. Here's a little recap of our past two months. I promise (christy) I will get better about updating this site more often.
we rented a cabin in the woods for St.Patricks Day weekend. The cabin was fantastic, and it was great to be back in the woods for awhile!

Coley was able to join us for his annual Spring Break trip. It was great having him here and being able to spend quality time with Riley.
April: We went home to finally meet Riley's Cousin Emma and Claire. The girls are just adorable. Emma looks more like Jeff and Claire looks just like Michelle. Besides some stomach/digestive issues the girls are doing perfect! Jeff and Michelle really have a great system going. My goodness they are one busy family! I can't even imagine Riley times two.
Riley now has his two bottom teeth and his top two teeth are just starting to peak through. He isn't crawling yet, but loves to try and pull himself up. For not being mobile he moves around a lot. The kid cannot sit still. He babbles, but no clear words at this point. He loves to clap for just about any reason and his new favorite game is peak-a-boo. He has mastered putting his blanket over his head and then pulling it down and giggling. Its too cute. except he never wants to stop playing it!

we are honored to be Claires' Spiritual Advisors!

My parents are coming to town on Thursday. We are heading to the coast to spend the weekend at the beach! It looks like it might even hit 90 degrees on Portland on Friday, so hopefully it will be nice on the coast as well. It will be great to get away and relax with the fam for awhile.
1 comment:
Looks like you guys saw a mini-leprechaun this year up at Hood?
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